I am available for training and speaking engagements across Europe, including conferences and workshops, meditation classes and retreats. I provide expertise to organisations, policy makers and media on the topics intercultural competence, mental health and mindfulness. Communities and organisations may contact for expertise on diversity, inclusion and mindfulness. I encourage individuals to reach out to me for psychological counselling based on health psychology and mindfulness-based approaches.
Please call me at (+49) 172 3988635
or send me an email.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Magdalena Boehm
Psychologist M. Sc.,
Expert Inclusion and Diversity, Mindfulness / MBSR Trainer
I am a Psychologist, specialised in intercultural psychology (B.Sc. Psychology, Research M.Sc. “Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism” and M.A. Islamic religion) and a mindfulness trainer certified to give MBSR courses (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction by Jon Kabat Zinn). I am trained in Value-based counselling, a short-term therapeutic approach that supports individuals in discovering our innate skills and resources to master psychosocial stress.
I’ve worked five years in NGO management on the topics refugee integration, building welcoming communities and promoting legal pathways for refugees to access protection in Europe. I have four years’ experience in psychological health care, providing psychosocial counselling to children and youth with developmental disorders, and their families.
I speak German (native), English and Dutch (fluent), working Spanish and French.
I work with different experts and trainers to deliver trainings and coordinate projects. My work is based on compassion and inclusivity.